Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vacation vs. Real Home

Like most people, we had dreams of a home on an exotic island somewhere drinking pina coladas everyday.  For my husband and I - it was a cute bungalow in the mountains of Maui, HI.

If you've ever been to Hawaii, you are familiar with the spirit that enveloppes you upon arrival.  You realize you are in the middle of nowhere, away from all of your problems on the mainland and life is good.

On our first vacation to Maui, my husband and I decided to get married.  No, it wasn't on the beach.  We actually didn't plan it at all.  Our close friends met us there and we decided - what better place to surprise elope?  Two phone calls and two days later we were 'maui'd' at the courthouse!

Given our fond memories of Hawaii, our first instinct was to immediately buy a house there.  Warm weather meant great gardening possibilities.  There's just one small problem - we have 3 cats. 

Maintaining such a beautiful paradise, also means that Hawaii keeps rabies in check.  Pets can be quarantined from 5-120 days (more details here).  The thought of putting our cats into any sort of shelter for any length of time was a deal-breaker.  In addition, we needed to move them across the country and shove them on a 5 hour flight.  No thank you!

We will always have our dreams of a tropical paradise and enjoy visiting every year for our anniversary.  However, best to look for a home in good ole RVA where the move will be just be us enduring a meow-ful car ride to the next home:)

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